Projects I'm Producing

Amazing Heights 
Directed by Liza Ryus 

a story about a young giraffe who loves to hula hoop but has to overcome a big obstacle.
Medium: stop motion animation
Release Date: Nov. 21, 2013
Progress: In editing

Directed by Daniel Rosales

a story about a young boy who helps his mother with her becoming blind.
Medium: 3D computer animation
Release Date: April 2014
Progress: Finishing animation and texturing

Directed by Mary Kate Dangoia

a story about a young girl who is lonely so she creates a story 
Medium: 3D computer animation
Release Date: April 2015
Progress: In molding, rigging and visual development 

Sockie's Revenge
Directed by Rhonda Callahan  

a story about a young girl who has to face her fears to save her best friend.
Medium: 3D computer animation
Release Date: April 2016
Progress: In storyboarding and visual development


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